October 16, 2024

One Can Happen

The Healthy Lovers

Wealth Creation – Ask and You Will Receive

Wealth Creation – Ask and You Will Receive

Wealth creation comes from getting useable answers to key questions and acting on them. Amazing power is ready to be accessed by you when you are ready to take the first step know to all successful wealth creators.

You must be prepared to ask. You can begin by asking God in prayer for direction on the first step in wealth building. You could begin by asking a neighbor how he got started in business.

Either way you have to begin by admitting to yourself that you have to ask questions.

Because you want answers to the age old question – “how do I start a wealth creation program?”

Asking questions of others shows you are humble. And you admit you need help with finding the right path.

With the right attitude your questions will be met with helpful responses.

To develop a top flight wealth creation program remember three keys.

First always have your questions focus on process. Try questions like – “Could you please help me understand the steps you took to get started in your business?”

Secondly – and this is most important – follow up your opening question with probing questions. This way you will clarify what you need to do to get started. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about income streams. In more than 30 years of asking such questions I can not recall a refusal.

Thirdly, always take notes. This confirms to the speaker that you value you their advice. It also helps you recall their advice later on.

You can begin your wealth creation plan today by being bold enough to ask and you will receive. Be prepared to never cease asking questions and you will be richly rewarded with a financially secure future.

Copyright 2005 Kenneth Little