September 18, 2024

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The Healthy Lovers

What are Sexually Transmitted Diseases?

Preventing Sexually-Transmitted Infections Can Avert Fertility Disorders |

Sexually transmitted diseases are infections that are transferred from one person to another through sexual intercourse. There are many types of sexually transmitted diseases, which can severely affect your genitals if not treated. According to specialists, sexually transmitted diseases affect females more than males. There are several ways you can incur these diseases, which include having many sexual partners, having unprotected sex, and being very sexually active. In women, when sexually transmitted infections are not treated, they can lead to reproductive system complications such as pelvic floor disorder. Murray Hill urologist center has the best specialist who can treat and manage sexually transmitted diseases. Below are the primary types of sexually transmitted infections.

The primary types of sexually transmitted diseases

There are many types of STIs, and they can be transmitted from males to females and vice versa. They include:

·       Gonorrhea. Gonorrhea is one of the most known sexually transmitted diseases. This disease affects both men and women, and to its severity, it can cause infertility. Gonorrhea at its early stages becomes hard to diagnose, but after some time, a painless sore appears around your genitals. Symptoms of gonorrhea include a painless sore on your genitals, pain during sex, especially in women, unpleasant yellow discharge from the vagina, and pain during urinating.

·       Syphilis. Syphilis is another common type of sexually transmitted disease, which is hard to detect at its early stages. It is a bacterial infection, which can cause nerve damage, paralysis, and even death. Symptoms of syphilis are fever, hair loss, fatigue, discharge from the vagina, rashes that develop on your body, especially on the palms and feet. Syphilis can be treated through medications.

·       Human papillomavirus (HPV). Human papillomavirus is a very infectious disease that causes genital warts. Apart from sex, human papillomavirus can also be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact. In women, it can cause anal or cervical cancer, infertility, bowel damage, and uterus complication. The primary symptom of this disease is a genital wart that appears like a group of bumps in the genitals. Unlike syphilis and gonorrhea, human papillomavirus lies under viral diseases. To prevent HPV, a particular vaccine is administered two times. According to specialists, this vaccine can be given to every person, including children at the age of 11 and 12. On the other hand, if you were not vaccinated in childhood, it can be done at the age of 26 in women and 21 or 26 in men.

·       HIV & AIDS. It is the most infectious viral disease that has no cure. It can affect any person, including children. Apart from sex, it can also be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact and sharing sharp objects with an infected person. HIV has four stages of development, which leads to death.

It is essential to take care of yourself during intercourse since some sexually transmitted diseases have no cure. If you are infected with any type of STIs, Michael Rotman in Murray hill is the best specialist in dealing with sexually transmitted diseases. Talk with him today and see the difference.