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Did You Know That Joint Pain is a Neuromusculoskeletal Disorder?

Common Musculoskeletal Disorders | Orthopaedic Associates of Central  Maryland

Your body consists of hundreds of joints that are located in different parts of your body. Some body parts with noticeable joints include knees, wrist, elbows, heel, ankles, jaws, waist, and others. Joints facilitate the movement of the body, thus making your work easier. However, your joints can become injured, diseased, or damaged, leading to joint pain. According to research, joint pain is typically caused by diseased nerves, damaged tendons, or injured tissues. Joint pain can limit you from doing your daily work. You can visit West New York, NJ neuromusculoskeletal medicine specialists at The Doctor’s House for treatment and management of joint pain.

The Main Causes of Joint Pain

There are many causes of joint pain. Some of them include:

1.     Joint bone dislocation. Joint bone dislocation occurs after you are involved in an accident. Many people do not differentiate between a broken and dislocated bone. When a joint bone pops out from its socket, that is dislocation. A dislocated bone stretches tissues, nerves, and tendons, causing pain. Joint pain can also arise when you try to rotate your damaged joint.

2.     Broken joint bones. After an accident, your joint bones can become broken. Broken bones damage tissues by tearing them down. Damaged joint components cause severe joint pain.

3.     Diseased joint. According to research, joints are very prone to disorders such as diabetes and arthritis. When your blood sugar level is higher than average, your nerves can become damaged,  causing joint pain. On the other hand, when uric acid accumulates in your joints, you are known to suffer from gout. Gout causes chronic joint pain.

4.     Bursitis. Bursitis is joint inflammation. This disorder is caused by joint infections that are incurred from injuries. When your joints swell, you can feel pain when trying to move them.

It is vital to seek early treatment since joint pain can persist and become worse. Below are ways joint pain can be treated and managed.

Ways of Treating Joint Pain

There are several ways your doctor can treat joint pain. These ways include:

·       Pain relievers. Pain is the primary symptom of joint infections. Your doctor will first offer you some painkillers to ease the pain. According to research, injectable pain killers are the best for severe joint pain. Injections directly target affected nerves, tissues, and tendons. These injections are known as target point injections.

·       Surgery. After diagnosis, your doctor can suggest a minimally-invasive surgery or an open surgery, depending on joint pain severity.

·       Medication. Medication is done after or before surgery. Medicines target diseases like arthritis and diabetes.

·       Home massage. You can massage your joint with hot water before going to the doctor. This can help you to recover from joint pain.

Joint pain is common among many people across the world. If you encounter never-ending joint pain, consult The Doctor’s House health center for treatment. They have the best physicians with extensive experience in neuromusculoskeletal disorders.