April 26, 2024

One Can Happen

The Healthy Lovers

How Safe Is Food To Be Eaten?

50 Foods That Are Super Healthy

Putrefaction in food is easy to spot, but to spot microorganisms and the accumulation of heavy metals or dangerous chemicals is a little bit more difficult. We, human beings, usually and naturally make a food safety testing in our food before eating, it is almost a natural reaction. Using our senses we can check and know if our food is too hot or cold, if it smells good, if it looks funny or rare, if it is too hard or too soft and the best food test is to taste it. And no matter how good we are at spotting anything wrong in our food, almost 99.9% of the world population, at least once in their lives, have had diarrhea for food poisoning.

The consequences of eating a tomato that is starting to get wrong can be really small, as just one day with diarrhea, and you will feel good the next day without need of any medicine. There are many other kinds of consequences, not as fugacious as one day of diarrhea. If you ingest a high quantity of any kind of microorganisms you could get sick, with a foodborne infection that could make a person end in the hospital. 

Ingesting even small quantities of some chemicals or heavy metals in our food, can lead to diseases in time. Also, because children are at a developing stage, they are particularly sensitive to elements like heavy metals, that can damage a child’s brains with no possibility to reverse the damage once it’s done.

The Food and Drug Administration is responsible for ensuring the safety of the nation’s food supply and protecting the public health by ensuring the safety, and security of food. Although the U.S. Department of Agriculture is responsible for regulating aspects of some meat, poultry, and egg products. Thanks to these federal and other local agencies, food diseases and infections have decreased since regulations have been established.

Food safety testing methods of analysis include:

  • Microbiological tests
  • Nutritional analysis and testing
  • Food allergen testing
  • GMO testing
  • Food chemical analysis
  • Food contact tests
  • Pesticide residue testing
  • Food contaminant testing
  • Spiral plating for bacterial count
  • Melamine contamination testing
  • Veterinary drug residue testing
  • PCR food testing

Food safety testing is used by federal and local agencies to make aleatory reviews and find if there is anything incorrect. Also business owners, producers, processing factories, restaurants and others send regular samples to the laboratory to avoid liabilities in case that some person or agency finds something irregular, or if a person claims to have food poisoned at a certain restaurant or by eating some processed food.

All around the country the need for food safety testing is growing, every day there are more industries, producers, groceries and restaurants testing their food products in order to be able to insure their product quality and to keep a record in case of an investigation. Testing the food that is sold is responsible and can make industries safe money.