September 19, 2024

One Can Happen

The Healthy Lovers

Using Law of Attraction to Increase your Wealth Creating Opportunity in Forex Trading

Using Law of Attraction to Increase your Wealth Creating Opportunity in Forex Trading

Forex Trading is just one of the many wealth crating mean and process to achieve wealth. As far as wealth goes, you don’t need money to be happy. A lot of people refer to cliché like “Money is not everything”. There is truth to that statement but the opposite also holds true- without money you may have nothing!

I believe wealth will only follow those who ‘think’ and ‘see’ themselves as wealthy. Only then will the Universe present you with wealth creation opportunities. If you have the opportunities but don’t act upon them, you will not be able to convert it to real wealth. Forex Trading is one of the many conversions to wealth.

Before we could achieve anything in life, we need first to condition our minds. We need to feed our brains with all positive thoughts. Positive affirmations can help to overcome all negative thoughts and assist in promoting a healthy state of mind.

Most of us don’t realize that if we constantly tell ourselves negative things, we are building a destructive belief system. A negative but powerful barrier, which limit and prevent us from achieving success in life. Many self improvement gurus have mentioned that one of the most effective ways to change this belief system is to replace misguided negative messages with new positive ones.

Many Gurus said that the power of positive affirmations will make itself felt if you repeat them DAILY and when you are thinking negatively. The Law of Attraction is perfect and will follow only your thoughts and actions.

Personally I try to watch these videos just before the start of a new Forex Trading day. It really inspires me to make TODAY successful

The following affirmations are those from the video clip of MarcyFromMaui under the title “The Secret Riches Visualization Tool”. You can also develop others of your own. Tell yourself:

“I am a money magnet

Everything I touch turns to gold

I have more riches than King Soloman’s mines

Money falls like an avalanche over me

There is more money being printed for me right now

I am receiving money making ideas every day

I am receiving unexpected checks in the mail

I have more than enough money for everything that I want

I have my dream home

I have the best of everything

I am grateful and celebrate everyday

I know when to ask for what I want

No matter what it is that I want

No matter how impossible it may seem

I believe and know its mine

The answer must be… (your wish is my command)”

Of all the money making opportunities, Forex Trading is just one method that you can act upon to attain your goals to abundant of wealth.